Thursday, February 20, 2020

Mantra for Wealth : To become Rich Money making Mantra

Who are facing Financial Problems, who were broke, who wanted to be rich, who were bankrupted, Chant this mantra for Financial freedom, Get out of money crisis, who don't have money, who are in debits chant Swarna Akrashana KalaBahairava Mantram for Money making get rich.

శ్రీ స్వర్ణాకర్షణ భైరవ స్తోత్రం

Who wants to make money, to buy a car, to won a home, to own a property,  to get success, to get good name in society chant below mantra.

Chant Morning in between  4:30am and to 7:30 am in (Amrutha Muhurtham)
Chant Evening in between 7:00 Pm to 11:00PM

Daily Chant 18 for 3 month.
To work more Effectively chant 108 time every day for 108 Days

Chant at least like 24 days, 48, 3 months,  108 days if possible chant life time  

Chant any one of the below mantra

==Swarna Akarshana KalaBhairava Mantram==

(శ్రీ స్వర్ణాకర్షణ భైరవ స్తోత్రం)

om Namo Bhagavate Swarnaakarshana Bhirayvaya
dhana , Dhanyam, Vrudhikaraya

seegram dhanam, dhaanyam, swarnam  dehee dehee , vasya vasya. kuru kuru swaha

==Swarna Akarshana KalaBhairava Mantram==

om Namo Bhagavate Swarnaakarshana Bhirayvaya
dhana , Dhanyam, Swarnam Udhoyagam,Vayaphara Abhivrudhi sidhiraya

seegram dhanam, dhaanyam, swarnam  dehee dehee , vasya vasya. kuru kuru swaha

om shanmukhaya namaha
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